Sunday Morning Worship
Coffee & Fellowship: 10:00 am
Service Start Time: 10:30 am
Nursery is available for children under 4
Children’s Sunday School available during service (ages 4 through 5th grade)
Please click the link provided for a digital Worship Guide and find us on Facebook where we will be livestreaming!
Hilton Garden Inn - 2nd Floor Conference Room
16630 Redmond Way
Redmond, Washington
Click here to check out PAST SERMONS
Redeemer follows the classical expository method of preaching. Each Sunday we study a passage of Scripture to learn who God is, who we are, and how he calls us to repent and live by faith in Jesus Christ.
We typically study whole books – or at least large swaths – of Scripture at a time, listening to God’s Word and watching His Mighty Actions in History. You can expect that over a year sermons will have ranged over the entire Scriptures, covering the narratives, the Law of God, the Wisdom writings and Prophesies of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament Gospels that tell of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ and the letters that expound the Christian life and Christian community. We have a high view of the preaching of God’s Word because we share the conviction of the Second Helvitic Confession that “the preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God.” -
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. – 2 Corinthians 8:9
Redeemer is committed to seeing God’s generosity toward us transform us, both as individuals and as a church, from grasping at material things for happiness to being people characterized by breath-taking generosity.
As the generosity of God changes individuals it also radically changes the way we view our time, talents, money and other resources. It motivates us to look beyond our personal and family needs to serve and help others. It helps us see that we do not exist for ourselves and our needs but to bring the good news of Jesus Christ – in Word and Deed – to our neighbors, our city, and our world. Redeemer is committed to helping members of our congregation grow in a lifestyle of generosity. We do this by creating a culture where Christian generosity is taught, modeled, and celebrated.
We are also committed to being a church that shares more and our resources outside of us. We do this by mobilizing our congregation to do the work of ministry rather than hiring a large staff, by creating annual budgets that are fiscally responsible, transparent and that minimize waste, and by finding creative and innovative ways to give more.
One example of how we do this is our Deacons Fund. The deacons take two special offerings each year: one at Easter and one at Thanksgiving. This fund is used in many ways: To help the needy in our congregation and community, to provide scholarships for people to get Christian counseling, to give grants to congregation members for mercy, justice and outreach initiatives, to support congregation members in short-term mission projects, and to support local ministries that we partner with.cription text goes here
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